This site is about improving digital tools for paddlers.
It's about helping Projects find users and contributors.
It's about helping Users find tools for their paddling.
It's about encouraging and facilitating cooperation.
Websites and Apps with Gauges, Guides, Logbooks, Accident reports, Forums and more: There are many projects serving each of these puropses.
Often, the same thing is done over and over again... So, instead of re-inventing, let's cooperate!
There's already a loosely connected group of people from different projects who started to cooperate.
The goal is to get better results for the projects and their users, by working together where it makes sense.
Some of the projects we work on:
- Whitewater Journal is a APP, Website and offers Logbook functionlaity
- RiverZone is a API, Website and offers Waterlevels, Map functionlaity
- RiverApp is a APP and offers Waterlevels, Map functionlaity
- River Photo Gauge is a and offers DIY Gauge functionlaity
- Whitewater.guide is a API, APP and offers Waterlevels, Guide, Map, Logbook functionlaity
Are you a paddler?
Find your favourite tool: Search the List of Resources (please suggest your own favourite!)
Find out where you could help: If you are interested in contributing in any way, but are not sure where/how to best do it, contact us or any project.
Are you on a Project?
Check out these existing projects, maybe the wheel you think about is already invented, but needs more help to improve...
Or if you want to start something new, there are API's available that you could build on and code that you could reuse.
We discuss how to sustain our projects, how to improve, etc. Join us on Slack.
There's already sharing and cooperation happening on Datasources, Datamodels, Code, User-Content, APIs and more.
Come build on what exists and share, instead of reinventing the wheel over and over again.
We were interviewed on Seth Ashworth's Podcast: