Student-Skills Tracker, Canoepolo Event List, Whitewater Map
These Projects provide some kind of a Map functionality, typically to show river-sections on a map:
Student-Skills Tracker, Canoepolo Event List, Whitewater Map
WikiRiver is a community based site with guides, live water levels and maps of whitewater rivers in Australia.
The RiverGuide is an evolving guide book for all of New Zealand's water related activities.
Map of 40 Irish whitewater rivers with 30 live level gauges.
Arduino based, self made online gauges (pressure Sensor, GSM Uplink) provide river level info for Irish kayakers.
The page looks old and half-finished, but the project is active. After testing the V5 Hardware in 2019, V6 development started in 2021.
Want such a gauge too? Contact Daithi, the creator.
RiverZone started as a replacement for the ailing and unmaintained water level page on CKFiumi website and later merged with the Rivermap project.
The Riverzone webpage remains as a resource for the Italian kayaking community and as a way for me to experiment with new data (like, for example, per-river-section Point of Interests) and new UI approaches.