WikiRiver is a community based site with guides, live water levels and maps of whitewater rivers in Australia.
The following projects have content that is licensed under a Creative Commons license, for which the CC acronym stands.
That means, it is not only free to consume by users, but also re- usable by and for other projects. Details depend on the specific version of license.
WikiRiver is a community based site with guides, live water levels and maps of whitewater rivers in Australia.
Our goal is to put monitoring stations in remote stream locations that are left off the USGS and other agencies priority list.
The RiverGuide is an evolving guide book for all of New Zealand's water related activities.
Our purpose is to preserve New Zealand's whitewater resources and enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely.
RiverZone started as a replacement for the ailing and unmaintained water level page on CKFiumi website and later merged with the Rivermap project.
The Riverzone webpage remains as a resource for the Italian kayaking community and as a way for me to experiment with new data (like, for example, per-river-section Point of Interests) and new UI approaches.
The mobile app aims to provide all the information a paddler might need for a kayaking trip or a quick run. The app features detailed guidebooks, water levels, filters, maps, pictures, videos, ratings, tags. Users can submit content.
It's an international solution with English being the primary language and Spanish, French German, Russian being the secondary languages.
We have different quality of content for different regions.
Rivermap visualizes the navigability of river sections on an interactive map to give canoeists the best possible and quick overview of the current situation. The individual sections are color-coded depending on the water level and information recorded by paddlers provides valuable additional information. Using filters and linked data, the current situation and further developments can be analyzed more precisely.
All information is provided without guarantee!